Physiotherapy and

Rehabilitation exercises

This method is an important part of today's man, as many of us still neglect to take timely care of our bodies, which then get into such a state of disarray that pain and serious disturbances in body function occur due to the accumulation of small blockages and muscle spasms. Then you need to do a full body "overhaul", preferably at the same time with deep lymphatic drainage - an ideal combination with ENDO-Balancer, which helps to flush the harmful substances out of the body faster. In many cases, there is a battle against time, but at the end of it, people leave with relief from long-standing headaches, spinal or joint pain thanks to manual physiotherapy.Thanks to this special kind of acupressure, deep lymphatic drainage and overall work on the nervous system, this method has already helped countless patients so much that they have not had to undergo planned surgery.

Manual physiotherapy positively affects:

In doing so, we help a wide range of clients with a variety of problems such as:

  • Back pain and blockages
  • Headache and pain in the cervical spine
  • Intervertebral disc herniations
  • Shoulder, hip and knee joint pain
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Muscular injuries, trauma and post-traumatic conditions
  • Patellar impingement, javelin and tennis elbow, forearm pain
  • Postoperative and pre-operative care - rehabilitation
  • Gynecological difficulties
  • Neurological diseases
  • Digestion problems
  • Seemingly non-specific problems

  • Dizziness and disorders

 And many more...

Methods we work with:

  • Manual techniques - mobilisation and manipulation

  • Myofascial medicine techniques

  • Method of Ludmila Mojžíšová

  • SM system

  • The McKenzie method

  • Vojtova therapy (Reflex locomotion)

  • Podology

  • Manual lymphatic drainage

  • Rehabilitation on a neurological basis

  • Kinesiotaping

  • Dorn's method

  • Diagnosis and therapy of vertigo

(see below on this page for more information on each method)


"Hi, I can feel the improvement 😉 thanks a lot for your help🥰♥️ there is still some tightness in my hips but it's much better 😘♥️" 

- Zuzana

"Hello, it's much better today. I've had the pain since about Friday and it still hasn't gotten better, then your angel hands and it heals itself. Thank you 👌💪" 

- Pavel

"Hi, my arm is much better. Sometimes my hand hurts a bit, but otherwise the tapes work and the physio from you too 👍 Thank you 😘" 

- David

"Hello, last time my body hurt a little the second day, then I got better. After yesterday I'm completely fine today, nothing hurts, beautiful 😉👌 thank you so much, bye" 

- Radka

"Hi, I've arrived home now, it's better and thank you again 🫶😙" 

- Radek

"It's definitely much better 🙂 I can still feel it a bit, but it makes a difference, so great!! Thanks a lot 🙂"

"Hi magician 🙂 much better 🙏🙏🙏 thank you very much 🙂" 

- Aneta

"Thank you. Lucie was amazing as always!" 

- Markéta


How long does one therapy session take?

The standard duration of therapy is one hour, but may vary depending on the specific needs of the client. It can be adapted after discussion with the therapist.

Do I need a doctor's referral to make an appointment?

There is no need to have a doctor's recommendation. Your first visit will include an initial assessment by a therapist, after which you will agree on the following course of action. However, if you have medical reports from various examinations, we recommend that you bring them so that the therapist can become more familiar with your condition.

What should I bring to my first meeting?

There is no need to bring anything special to your first appointment. However, if you have any medical documentation related to your condition, we recommend that you bring it so that the therapist can become more familiar with your situation. It is also advisable to wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. You can also prepare a list of questions you would like to discuss during the appointment.

What service should I choose when I first come to you?

If you are coming for the first time and don't know what service or treatment approach to choose, there is no need to worry. We recommend "Physiotherapy / Rehabilitation Exercise" as a starting point. At your first appointment, the therapist will carefully examine you (which is included in the price of the therapy) and then recommend an appropriate therapeutic approach. In addition to the various therapeutic methods, you will be provided with all electrotherapy options if required.

Can I choose a specific therapist?

Yes, clients can express a preference for a particular therapist and we will do our best to accommodate your needs and wishes. Together we will select a therapist based on the problem you are addressing so that we can best help you.

How can I book an appointment?

You can make an appointment online via our booking system on the website, by phone, by email or in person at our offices. Contact details and more information can be found here.

What should I do if I haven't found the answer to my question?

If you have not found the answer to your question and have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +420 608 615 910 or send us an email at . We are here to help you and provide you with all the necessary information.

Manual physiotherapy

Manual physiotherapy is a specialized form of treatment that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pain and musculoskeletal dysfunctions. This approach uses specific manual techniques, including mobilization and manipulation of joints, soft tissues and neuromuscular techniques to restore optimal movement and function to the body. At our rehabilitation center, we offer full-body manual physical therapy that is tailored to each client's individual needs.

It is important to note that regular care from a manual physical therapist is crucial to maintaining body balance and preventing dysfunction. Despite regular exercise and an active lifestyle, our bodies may unexpectedly lock up or show signs of tension and pain. Manual physiotherapy offers an effective solution to these problems by helping to release blockages, improve mobility and promote proper body function. Regular sessions with a physiotherapist not only contribute to immediate pain relief, but also act as a preventative measure against future problems, ensuring long-term health and well-being. Give your body the care it deserves and keep it in optimal balance with regular visits to be cared for by experts in whole body manual physiotherapy.

Method of Ludmila Mojžíšová

A special manual technique, developed by Ludmila Mojžíšová, which focuses on eliminating faulty structural and functional changes in the musculoskeletal system. This method uses reflexive therapeutic methods such as myofascial techniques, acupressure, massage of reflex zones, manipulation and mobilization, and correction of malposition of the head, trunk and limbs. She originally applied this therapy to athletes in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, but later expanded it to treat spinal pain, headaches, irregular and painful menstrual cycles and even infertility. Ludmila Mojžíšová collaborated with gynaecologist Prof. Evžen Čech and found that her therapy helped to cure functional sterility, which led to the successful pregnancy of many patients who had previously been treated for infertility without success.

How does the therapy work?

Within the therapy, we often use active exercises according to Mojžíšová, release of painful trigger points in the pelvic floor, electrotherapeutic methods (ENDO-Balancer, which is an ideal supplement for weakened as well as tight and overloaded pelvic muscles) and mobilization with passive movements. During the first visit with us, we carefully examine the client in various positions and evaluate the position of the first seven ribs, the lumbar spine and the pelvic muscles. We will teach the client a basic set of home exercises to practice approximately twice a day. In the second session we will focus on treating the pelvic muscles, SI joints, lumbar spine and rib blockages. The course of the other therapies depends on the speed of resolution of the difficulties and the client's cooperation.

When to use the Ludmila Mojžíšová method?

Orthopedic problems

  • Frequent blockages of the ribs
  • Chronic headaches
  • Painful coccyx syndrome (coccygodynia)
  • Motion fault sequencing of the apparatus
  • Back pain
  • Scoliosis

Gynecological problems

  • Painful menstruation
  • Functional female infertility (sterility)
  • Discomfort during sex (dyspareunia)

Urological problems

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Internal indications

  • Obstipation

SM system exercise

The method called "SM System" or also "Stabilization and Mobilization System" is based on 39 years of long-term development and 34 years of clinical experience in the field of exercises for patients suffering from back pain in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions, as well as patients with acute disc prolapse and people diagnosed with scoliosis. In Germany, this method is even covered by health insurance as a form of treatment (the SM exercise system).

Exercise is suitable for people of all ages from 5 to 100 years - including children, women, men, seniors, pregnant women and both elite and recreational athletes. The SM system is beneficial for individuals suffering from back pain or for those who want to prevent spinal problems. Exercise also plays a significant role in the prevention and treatment of major joint disorders such as hip, knee, shoulder, leg and foot arch disorders. This method is used by many elite athletes as part of conditioning training to improve athletic performance and prevent overloading and degeneration of the spine and large joints during sporting activity.

The exercise consists of a specific set of exercises developed by Richard Smisek, M.D., which help to properly activate the spiral muscle chains. This stretches the spine upwards and ensures sufficient space for the intervertebral discs to heal and regenerate. Due to bad habits such as sitting too much or working with a laptop, our spiral muscle chains become weakened while the vertical muscle chains are overloaded. This results in vertebral compression and increased stress on the intervertebral discs.

How to start?

For best results and to prevent any muscle imbalances that can limit range of motion and cause pain, it is recommended to have 3-6 individual sessions with a specialized therapist who will not only teach you the correct way to perform the exercises, but can also correct muscle imbalances using the manual techniques of the SM System.

Zdraví za pouhých 10 minut denně!

After performing 11 exercises in 10 minutes, you will get a regenerating, stretching and strengthening health program for your body. This program is simple and easy and can be done at home, in the garden or by the water. Just get an elastic rope and you can start exercising.

Rehabilitation exercises

Rehabilitation exercise is a special form of physical therapy that focuses on restoring mobility, strength and function of the body after injuries, surgery or long-term lack of movement. Its main goal is to strengthen muscles, improve balance, coordination and flexibility, and minimize pain and limitations in movement.

There are many reasons why rehabilitation exercise is beneficial and important:

Restoration of body function

Rehabilitation exercises help patients recover lost function after injuries or surgeries, such as hip or knee replacements. Regular training and exercise under the supervision of experts helps strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the joint area, allowing a return to normal daily activities.

Improvement of mobility

Rehabilitation exercises focus on increasing joint and muscle mobility. Regular training helps to loosen muscles and tendons, improve flexibility and range of motion. This is especially important for people suffering from arthritis or other degenerative joint diseases.

Prevention of injury recurrence

Rehabilitation exercises not only help restore function after an injury, but also reduce the risk of recurrence. Stronger muscles and better coordination of movements help stabilize the body and protect joints from further injury.

Elimination of pain

Rehabilitation exercises can be an effective way to minimize pain associated with various conditions such as back, cervical spine or shoulder pain. Proper exercise and stretching of muscles can help release tension and improve blood flow, which reduces pain.

Improvement of overall fitness condition

Rehabilitation exercise not only affects physical fitness, but also has a positive effect on overall health and well-being. Regular physical activity supports the cardiovascular system, increases muscle strength and endurance and also contributes to the release of endorphins, the so-called happy hormones that improve mood and reduce stress. Rehabilitation exercise can therefore have a positive impact on overall fitness and quality of life.

How to start exercising?

It is important that, at least initially, rehabilitation exercises are carried out under the supervision of a professional such as a physiotherapist or rehabilitation specialist. These professionals have the knowledge and skills needed to provide a proper and safe exercise programme tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

Ultimately, rehabilitation exercise is an important part of the body's healing and recovery process. It strengthens muscles, improves mobility, minimizes pain and helps prevent future injuries. If you have any health issues or are recovering from an injury, or just want to improve your fitness and quality of life, come see us and we will design a customized workout just for you!

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic method in which the therapist applies gentle hand pressure to specific points, which helps to release the lymph. This technique is suitable for several indications such as post-surgical joint conditions from day 12, after cancer treatment, gynaecological problems or against cellulite. Manual lymphatic drainage helps to release the lymph, which then travels from the interstitial space through capillaries, lymph vessels and nodes, and is eventually sucked into the bloodstream. To achieve the best effects it is a good idea to combine this manual technique with the ENDO-Balancer, which highly influences the flow and circulation of lymph through the tissues and promotes its movement in the main lymphatic trunk (thoracic lymphatic duct).

How to do manual lymphatic drainage correctly?

Before starting any lymphatic drainage therapy, it is necessary to open the lymph nodes. If this opening is not done, unpleasant side effects such as headaches, rapid fatigue, vomiting, opening of the lymphatic vessels and even worsening or new swelling (lymphoedema) may occur. The therapist uses gentle but sufficiently strong pressure with the palms and fingers to avoid sliding on the skin and at the same time the pressure does not damage the subcutaneous tissue (muscle, bone...). Manual strokes are guided over the lymphatic vessels towards the lymph nodes to stimulate the movement of lymph towards the right clavicle, where the main lymphatic duct enters the superior vena cava and the lymph flows into the bloodstream.

Who is the therapy suitable for?

  • After joint surgery from day 12 (wound must be healed)

  • After cancer (if K-markers in blood tests are already negative)

  • For gynaecological problems such as painful menstruation, functional sterility, etc...

  • In chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, venous inflammation...)

  • As a prevention of inflammation of the deep venous system before and after elective surgery

  • As a therapy for tibial ulcers

  • For athletes for whom lymphatic drainage promotes faster breakdown of catabolites (waste products) of cell metabolism and supports regeneration of muscles and other tissues

  • To improve conditions in neuropathies, angiopathies in diabetics

  • In the treatment of arthritis of the hip, knee and ankle joints or any swelling of the lower limbs caused by functional wear and tear of the joints

  • In primary and secondary lymphoedema (elephant foot, etc.)

  • For oncological indications, but only after cure of the cancer and metastases (ablation of the mamma, resection of nodes, after radiotherapy, etc.)

  • For chronic venous insufficiency and prevention of deep venous inflammation (before and after surgery)

  • For pain of vascular origin (atherosclerosis of the arteries, venous thrombosis, varicose veins, lymphatic blockage, etc.)

  • In circulatory disorders (Raynaud's disease, acrocyanosis)

  • Under extreme muscle loading

  • For cellulite - lymphatic drainage serves as a supporting method, e.g. in cellulite shock wave therapy, ENDO-balancer

  • For liposuction after surgical and non-invasive procedures